Thursday 9 September 2021

FAQ--(SQL Server)



SQL Server 2016: 

All Commands Listed :

1 )DDL(Data Definition Language)—Create ,Alter ,Drop;Truncate.
2) DML(Data Manipulation Language)—Insert ,Update,Delete.
3) DQL(Data Query Language) – Select.
4) TCL(Transation Control Language)—Commit,Rollback,Savepoint.

5) DCL(Data Control Language)—Grant,Revoke
All FAQ Lists-

1) What is SQL server Version used in your company .  (SQL Server 2016)

2) Differences between Delete and Truncate command.

3) What is Join and types of Join ?

4) Differences between Functions And Stored Procedure ?

5) What is View ?

6) What is Trigger and Type of Triggers?

7) What Index and Type of Index ?

8)  How to make a auto-increment by using SQL command? (Indentity)

9) Where / Order by / Group by Clauses in SQL 

10) Constraints in SQL-  

Constraints are used to apply condition or restriction of the table.
We can apply the constraints at the time of table creation or after created the table.
There are 9 types of constraints are available---
a) Null
b) Not Null
c) Primary key
d) Composite primary key
e) Foreign key
f) Unique key
g) Candidate key
h) Checked
i) Default
j)Identity column. (very important-auto generate column/Auto-Increment)


11) What is LIKE Operators and All Operators in SQL ?

select command use in Operatorit is used to perform operation on two or more operands.
Ex: 10+3.  Here 10,3 are called as operand and + is called as operator.
Different operators in  sql are—
        1. Arithmetic operator-  (+,-,*,/,%)
        2. logical operator-     (And ,or,!,!=,<>)
        3. Comparision operator- (<,>,<=,>=,)
        4. string Operator-      (Like,Not Like).

        5. Range Operator-       (Between,Not Between)


12) CTE (Common Table Expression) in SQL


1)    Join In Sql-Server 2016

o   Inner Join | Outer Join.

o   left join | right join | full join | self join| equi join

2)    What is Functions in SQL?

o   Table Function.

o   Scalar function.

o   System function (Aggregate functions Like sum, max, min, count, avg).

3)    StoredProcedure

o   Why we use StoredProcedure.

o   When we should use StoredProcedure.

4)    View in Sql-server.

o   When we should use View.

o   What is the benefit to use the view?

5)    Indexes and Trigger in SQL.

o   .

6)    Display 2nd MAX (); salary from employee table.

o   .

7)    What is (Primary Key | Foreign Key | Constraints | Unique Key | Identity).


8)    Difference between (Sql-query and StoredProcedure)

o   AAA

9)    Sql Injection in Sql-Server

o   AAA

o   BBB

10)  How Copied Data from table1 to table2


11)  Others1 (Aggregate Functions)

o   MAX();

o   MIN();

o   AVG();

o   COUNT();

o   SUM();

12) Others2 ()




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