Sunday, 21 September 2014

SQL-Server [2012]-Beginner and Advanced


Q1.How to Restore and Backup the Existing Database ???
SQL Database Restore in Sql Server(Attach the Database in Sql Server)-->
1)*To Restore Database (.bak file only)  My database name=hcl
restore database hcl from disk='D:\hcl.bak'
*To Backup database
backup database hcl to disk='D:\hcl.bak'

2)*To create Backup of Database from SqlServer:
Right click on hcl->Task->Backup->
Backup Type=Full
In Destinatio click on Add -> Browse -> (Select location And Give File name(as hcl)) -> ok,ok.


                                         Paul Tutorial

                 Language Commands—
My Database Name is=test1
My table name is =learn
1 )DDL(Data Definition Language)—Create ,Alter ,Drop;Truncate.
2) DML(Data Manipulation Language)—Insert ,Update,Delete.
3) DQL(Data Query Language) – Select.
4) TCL(Transation Control Language)—Commit,Rollback,Savepoint.

5) DCL(Data Control Language)—Grant,Revoke

1] DDL Commands:
Database information View---
*To see all details of My Database-
   Sp_help databasename (it will display name,db_size,created_date and status)
*To Rename my database-
   Sp_renamedb OldDatabaseName,NewdatabaseName

  a)  create –
 create database test1
use test1
create table learn(id int,name varchar(20),address varchar(20),mobile int,country varchar(20),job varchar(30) )
insert learn values(100,'ujjwal','chas',99999,'india','seo')
insert learn values(101,'scott','bksc',11111,'america','dev')
insert learn values(102,'ram','ndls',22222,'india','mgr')
insert learn values(103,'sini','sc',33333,'india','clrk')
insert learn values(104,'allu','hyd',44444,'uk','EEE')
select * from learn

id      name     address    mobile   country   job
100    ujjwal   chas       99999     india     SEO
101    scott    bksc       11111     america   Dev.
102    ram      ndls       22222     india     java dev
103    sini     sc         33333     india      Hr
104    allu     hyd        44444      uk        mgr

b) Alter command-
* Adding a new column in the existing table.
*delete(removing) the column from the table.
*changing the datatype of the column.
*changing the size of the datatype of type column.
* adding the constraint after creating the table.
Q. To delete a column permanently from a existing table.
  alter table learn drop column job 

 id      name     address    mobile   country  
100    ujjwal   chas       99999     india    
101    scott    bksc       11111     america  
102    ram      ndls       22222     india    
103    sini     sc         33333     india    
104    allu     hyd        44444      uk   

Q. Write a query to change the datatype from varchar(20) to varchar(50) on address column in existing table.
alter table learn alter column address varchar(50)

Output:you will get, the column name address has changed varchar(20) to varchar(50) see your table.

Q. To add a new column as qualification in existing table learn.
 alter table learn add  qualification varchar(20)


id      name     address    mobile   country   qualification
100    ujjwal   chas       99999     india     null
101    scott    bksc       11111     america   null
102    ram      ndls       22222     india     null
103    sini     sc         33333     india     null
104    allu     hyd        44444      uk       null

Q Q. To change(or Re-name) any one column Name.

   sp_rename 'learn.job','work'


id      name     address    mobile   country   work
100    ujjwal   chas       99999     india     null
101    scott    bksc       11111     america   null
102    ram      ndls       22222     india     null
103    sini     sc         33333     india     null
104    allu     hyd        44444      uk       null

Q. To Re-Name the Table Name:

sp_rename old_table_name, new_table_name

C) Drop command— (Full delete the table with table structure)

     drop table learn

nothing, table fully deleted.

D) Truncate command—(It will delete the whole table data but table structure is still available means all columns names remained)

           truncate table learn


id      name     address    mobile   country   work


2) DML Commands-(database name-test1,,table name-learn)
                           (Main Table)

            id    name    address  mobile    country       work                       
            100   ujjwal    chas     99999      india      seo
            101   scott     bks      11111      america    dev
            102   ram       ndls    22222      india       mgr
            103   sini      sc      33333      india      clrk
            104   allu      hyd     44444      uk          EEE

a) Inset command-

Q. Insert data into the table.
create table learn(id int,name varchar(20),address varchar(20),mobile int,country varchar(20),job varchar(30) )
insert learn values(100,'ujjwal','chas',99999,'india','seo')
insert learn values(101,'scott','bksc',11111,'america','dev')
insert learn values(102,'ram','ndls',22222,'india','mgr')
insert learn values(103,'sini','sc',33333,'india','clrk')
insert learn values(104,'allu','hyd',44444,'uk','EEE')
select * from learn

id      name     address    mobile   country   work
100    ujjwal   chas       99999     india     SEO
101    scott    bksc       11111     america   Dev.
102    ram      ndls       22222     india     java dev
103    sini     sc         33333     india      Hr
104    allu     hyd        44444      uk        mgr

Q. insert multiple records in the table.

insert learn values(105,'allu','hyd',44444,'uk','EEE'),

id     name  address     mobile   country    work                                                    
100    ujjwal chas       99999     india      seo
101    scott  bksc       11111     america       dev
102    ram    ndls       22222     india      mgr
103    sini   sc         33333     india      clrk
104    allu   hyd        44444     uk         EEE
105    allu   hyd        44444     uk         EEE
106    scg    gwl        55555     ind        sw
107    vik    chs        66666     ind1       SE
108    ganesh chs2       77777     ind2       php
109    raju   janamore   88888     ind3       JrDev
110    guddu  up         12345     silimore   JrSupp

b) Update Command- This command use to modify(or Changes) the existing data                               of table.
           Syntax:update tableName set columnName=value where <condition>

Q. writes a query to update scott address as Chicago from Main Table.
   Update learn set address='Chicago' where id=101

id     name  address     mobile   country    work                                                    
100    ujjwal chas       99999     india      seo
101    scott  Chicago    11111     america    dev
102    ram    ndls       22222     india      mgr
103    sini   sc         33333     india      clrk
104    allu   hyd        44444     uk         EEE

Q. write a query to update(or Change) ujjwal”s country name(as london) and work (as Dotnet).            

id     name  address     mobile   country    work                                                    
100    ujjwal chas       99999     london     dotnet
101    scott  Chicago    11111     america    dev
102    ram    ndls       22222     india      mgr
103    sini   sc         33333     india      clrk
104    allu   hyd        44444     uk         EEE


C)Delete Command-This command is used to delete all the records or the                              specific column record.[structure of the table not deleted only data deleted]

Syntax1: delete from tableName
Syntax2: delete from tableName where id=value.

Q. Delete the table learn(Main Table).
         delete learn

    or,   delete from learn

id    name    address  mobile    country     work 

Q. Delete the 1 row whose id=104
   Or, delete the row
   104      allu      hyd     44444      uk          EEE

     delete  learn where id=104

Q. Delete 1 row whose name is ujjwal.
     delete  learn1 where name='ujjwal'

id    name    address  mobile    country       work                        
101   scott     bks      11111      america     dev
102   ram       ndls    22222      india       mgr
103   sini      sc      33333      india      clrk
104   allu      hyd     44444      uk          EEE

Question1) What is difference between truncate and delete and drop.
*Truncate will delete all the record at a time.Delete also will           remove(delete) all the record.
*Truncate can not delete data of a single row or column  But Delete command can delete data of a single row or column.
*Truncate works fast But delete command works slow.


3)DQL(Data Query Language):
Select command:
    Main Table(employee)
eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00
105 Sumit   70000.00
106 arun        5000.00
107 disha   2000.00
108 scott   15000.00
109 kirti   18000.00

It is used for retrieving all the records or specific records from the table.
Ex1: write a query to display all the table records.

       select * from employee
eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00
105 Sumit   70000.00
106 arun        5000.00
107 disha   2000.00
108 scott   15000.00
109 kirti   18000.00

Ex:2 write a query to display name and mobile numbers from employee table.
       select ename ,salary from employee


ename   salary
ujjwal  11000.00
Raju        20000.00
sukhdeo 30000.00
Rj      10000.00
Sumit   70000.00
arun        5000.00
disha   2000.00
scott   15000.00
kirti   18000.00

select command use in Operatorit is used to perform operation on two or more operands.
Ex: 10+3.  Here 10,3 are called as operand and + is called as operator.
Different operators in  sql are—
        1. Arithmetic operator-  (+,-,*,/,%)
        2. logical operator-     (And ,or,!,!=,<>)
        3. Comparision operator-         (<,>,<=,>=,)
        4. string Operator-      (Like,Not Like).
        5. Range Operator-        (Between,Not Between)

1.Arithmatic operations-

sno  sname  m1    m2    m3
101   Rj    30    35    40
102   Sumit 44    46    47
103   arun  50    51    52
104   disha 55    56    57
105   scott 60    66    67
106   kirti 70    71    72

Ex1:WQA. To display student details along with marks.
   select *,(m1+m2+m3) from student   or,

   select *,(m1+m2+m3) asTotal’ from student

output(total is as alias name temporary name)

sno   sname   m1     m2     m3    Total
101    Rj     30     35     40     105
102    Sumit  44     46     47     137
103    arun   50     51     52     153
104    disha  55     56     57     168
105    scott  60     66     67     193
106    kirti  70     71     72     213

Ex2:WQA. To display student details along with total marks and Average of total marks.

   select *,(m1+m2+m3) asTotal’,(m1+m2+m3)/3 as ‘Average’ from student

output(total and Average are as alias name or temporary name)

sno   sname   m1     m2     m3    Total   Average
101    Rj     30     35     40     105      35
102    Sumit  44     46     47     137      45
103    arun   50     51     52     153      51
104    disha  55     56     57     168      56
105    scott  60     66     67     193      64
106    kirti  70     71     72     213      71

Note: so all performance can be esily done by alias name

2. Logical operator- (Use main table-employee)

Ex1:Write a query to display employee details whose name is ujjwal and salary>10000.
       select * from employee where ename='ujjwal' and salary>10000


  eno   ename   salary
  101 Ujjwal   11000.00

3.Comparision operator-

Ex1:Write a query to display employee details whose salary<5000.

select * from employee where  salary<5000
eno    ename     salary
107  disha     2000.00
Ex2:Write a query to display employee details whose salary!=2000.
    select * from employee where  salary!=2000

eno ename   salary
101   Ujjwal      11000.00
102   Raju      20000.00
103   sukhdeo     30000.00
104   Rj        10000.00
105   Sumit 70000.00
106   arun      5000.00
108   scott 15000.00
109   kirti 18000.00

4.String Operator- [Like operator]
These operator are used to search a specific pattern.
1) a% means start with a
2) %a means ending with a.
3) %a% means in-between a.

Ex1:Write a query to display employee details whose name start with u.
select * from employee where  ename like 'u%'

Eno   ename  salary
101   Ujjwal  11000.00

Ex2:Write a query to display employee details whose name not start with u.
select * from employee where  ename not like 'u%'

eno ename   salary
102   Raju      20000.00
103   sukhdeo   30000.00
104   Rj        10000.00
105   Sumit     70000.00
106   arun      5000.00
108   scott     15000.00
109   kirti     18000.00

Ex3:Write a query to display employee details whose name not start with s and.
select * from employee where  ename like 's%' and salary>20000

eno    ename    salary
103  sukhdeo   30000.00
105  Sumit     70000.00

Ex4:Write a query to display employee details whose name end with n.
select * from employee where  ename like '%n'

eno  enmae   salary
106  arun   5000.00

Ex5:Write a query to display employee details whose name’s second character is start with a.
select * from employee where ename like '_a%'

Ex6:Write a query to display employee details whose name’s third character is start with k.
select * from employee where ename like '_ _k%' (here 2 underscore used no space between)

eno    ename    salary
103  sukhdeo   30000.00

Ex7:Write a query to display employee details whose name’s second last character is start with e.
select * from employee where ename like '%e_' (here 2 underscore used no space between)

eno    ename    salary
103  sukhdeo   30000.00

4.Range Operators-

Ex1:Write a query to display employee details whose salary range between 1000 to 10000.
select * from employee where  salary between 1000 and 10000


104  Rj   10000.00
106  arun 5000.00
107  disha 2000.00

Ex2:Write a query to display employee details whose salary range not between 1000 to 10000.
select * from employee where  salary not between 1000 and 10000

eno    ename    salary
101  Ujjwal    11000.00
102  Raju      20000.00
103  sukhdeo   30000.00
105  Sumit     70000.00
108  scott     15000.00
109  kirti     18000.00

Ex3:Write a query to display employee details whose salary range between 1000 to 10000.

4)TCL(Transaction Control Language)Commands:

This is my existing emp table:
eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00
105 Sumit   70000.00

Commit-  it used save the changes permanently.
Now To, delete  row 105
begin transaction
delete employee where eno=105

eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00

So, row 105 is deleted.

Now, to insert(or back) the deleted item we use rollback. It will back your deleted row 105.

begin transaction rollback                (Run This)

After the rollback command the output :

eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00

Note:After the rollback the row 105 is not appears because it is permanently deleted,so here rollback is not possible.

This is my existing emp table:
eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00
105 Sumit   70000.00

Now To, delete  row 105
begin transaction
delete employee where eno=105

To see it is deleted or not:
select * from emp
eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00

Here the row 105 is deleted.

Now, to insert(or back) the deleted item we use rollback. It will back your deleted row 105.

begin transaction rollback                (Run This)

After the rollback command the output :

eno ename   salary
101 Ujjwal  11000.00
102 Raju        20000.00
103 sukhdeo 30000.00
104 Rj      10000.00
105 Sumit   70000.00

Here 105 row is back.

Note:Here the data is deleted from Buffer database not main the rollback is possible.but once we commit the delete query it will not possible to rollback.


Constraints are used to apply condition or restriction of the table.
We can apply the constraints at the time of table creation or after created the table.
There are 9 types of constraints are available---
1) Null
2) Not Null
3) Primary key
4) Composite primary key
5) Foreign key
6) Unique key
7) Candidate key
8) Checked
9) Default
10)Identity column. (very important-autogenerate column)

1) Null-This constrains is used to allow null values. And by default       every column accept null values.
Syntax: create table tableName(ename varchar(20) null)

2) Not Null-This constraints not allow the null value.
   Syntax: create table tableName(eno int not null,ename varchar(20))

3) Primary key-
 1)primary key not accept null value,it bydefault Not Null.
 2)primary key will not accept duplicate values.
 3)primary key can apply only one time in a single table or we can    
   apply 1 primary key in a table.means 1 table=multiple primary key 
   not possible.

Syntax: create table emp(eno int primary key,ename varchar(20))

4)Composite primary key-
It is used to apply primary key in two or more columns. See table--

eid   eno    salary
101 1111    1   13000.00
102 22222   20000.00
103 33333   30000.00
104 44444   10000.00
105 55555   70000.00

Here I want to apply primary key in two columns at eid and eno, so this concept is called as composite primary key.As we know before that the we can not apply 2 primary key in a table so this concept we named separetly as composite primary key. composite primary key holds all the feature of primary key.

Ex1:Create a table with name employee with columns eid,eno and salary and apply composite primary key in columns eid and eno.


5)Foreign key-
*It is used to establish the relation between two or more

* Foreigh key must always referencing to primary key table,so foreign  key is also called as referencial constraint.
* Foreign key accept duplicate value
* Foreign key accept null values.
* we can apply more than one foreign key in a single table.
*foreign key constraint will have constraint name.
*we can not insert the record in foreign key column until unless the record is available in primary key column.
* we can not delete the primary key column record untill unless the 
  Record is deleted in foreign key column.
*we can not drop primary key constraint untill unless we drop foreign
  We drop foreign key constraint.

Syntax: We taken 2 tables(e1 and d1) to apply foreign key.

*Create a table name e1 with columns(eid,ename)
create table e1(eid int primary key,ename varchar(20))
insert e1 values(6,'rama'),(2,'raju'),(3,'sukhdeo'),(4,'ganesha'),(5,'vik')

eid    ename
1    ujjwal
2    raju
3    sukhdeo
4    ganesha
5    vik

* Create a table name d1 with columns(did,dname,dincome and eid as set  foreign key).
create table d1(did int primary key,dname varchar(20),dincome money,eid int foreign key references e1(eid))

did   dname   dincome   eid

some  important:

1)truncate table e1 (it is not possible now)—error
2)insert d1 values(11,'arun',1000,1),(22,'uma',2000,2)   

did   dname   dincome   eid
11   arun   1000.00    1
22   uma   2000.00    2  

3) insert d1 values(33,'suraj',3000,1111),(44,'krish',4000,2222)   -Error occurred.

Error message is----
   Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__d1__eid__3B75D760".    The conflict occurred in database "test", table "dbo.e1", column 'eid'.
The statement has been terminated.

6) Unique key-

  *unique key does not accept duplicate values.
  *unique key accept null value once only.
  *unique key can apply more than one in a single 
  *unique key constrain will have constraint_Name.
Syntax1:create table emp(eno int unique,ename varchar(20))  
Syntax2:create table emp(eno int constraint con unique,ename varchar(20))  
Here con is the constraint name.

create table e2(eid int unique,ename varchar(20))
insert e2 values(33,'suraj'),(44,'krish')


7) Candidate key- (unique key+ Not null=Candidate key).
create table e4(eid int unique not null,ename varchar(20))

we can not apply not null constraint after creating the table for unique key column. But we can apply unique key for not null column after creating the table.

8)Checked-It is used to apply condition on the table.
Syntax:create a table with name e5 with columns eno,ename,salary and apply checked constraint for eno based on the condition eno>200.

create table e5(eno int ,ename varchar(20), salary money,check(eno>200))

        eno   ename   salary

Now insert the value:
insert e5 values(101,'suraj',1000),(102,'krish',2000)

output:  Error occurred.
Error message is-
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__e5__eno__412EB0B6". The conflict occurred in database "test", table "dbo.e5", column 'eno'.
The statement has been terminated.

Now Again insert the value with followed by condition as eno>200:
insert e5 values(201,'suraj',1000),(202,'krish',2000)

output : No error it inserted.

eno   ename   salary
201  suraj    1000.00
202  krish    2000.00


9)default-it is used to insert the default value instead of null value.

create table e(eno int ,ename varchar(20), satatus char(1) default('A'))

insert e6 values(201,'rama2',''),(202,'krish','b')


eno     ename   status
201      suraj      a

create table e9(eno int ,ename varchar(20), satatus char(6) default('ujjwal'))

insert e9 values(202,'rama1','ujjwal')
insert e9 values(203,'rama1','Ramesh')

eno     ename   status
202  rama1      ujjwal
203  rama1      Ramesh

10)Identity-It is used to apply autogenerate the number for a column .
create table e10(eno int identity(101,1) ,ename varchar(20))
select * from e10

eno  ename

Now insert values: error occured
insert e10 values(101,'rama1')      --Not possible to insert
insert e10 values(102,'rama1')      --Not possible to insert

Now insert values: currect formate to insert.
insert e10 values('rama1')
insert e10 values('rama2')

eno    ename
101   rama1
102   rama2

Here no need to give eno during inserting,it will automatic generate the eno.

Normalization is the technique to design a table for the database.which is used to reduce-
1)Redundancy(duplicate values) and
2)Inconsistency are avoided ,inconsistency means-Data which is not meaningful(or incurrect) is removed.
3)Dependebcy reduce.

                   Un-Managed Table/de-Normalized Table

The above table is not managed because data duplication and repetition.
The most commonly used normal form are—
1)First Normal form.(1 NF)
2)Second normal form.
3)Third form.

1)First NF—A table is called in 1 NF if it follow 2 rules-
Rule1:single cell consist of single value(means-each columns in the table should be single value column.)
Rule2:Each record must be unique(means-no rows contain same data or each row has different data)

Now applying First NF in the above table. After applying 1NF the table appears as—

Here:last two rows are identical(same),means no unique. So remove one row to make in 1NF form,and rest all are same.

2) Second NF—To make in second NF some rules should be follow-
*our table must be in 1NF form.
*Now to apply the 2 NF ,we need to identify the key 
  attribute and non-key attributes.
*Every non-key attribute must fully dependent on key
  Attribute,that is in 2NF we have to identify the funtional
*if any non-key attributes is not fully dependent on the key  
  Attribute then remove that column and place it in separate


*In second NF we have to apply primary key and foreign key in another table for that primary key.
*Here the primary key in first table applied in column ITYID and the second table same column taken ITYID so this column is called as foreign key.

 3) Third NF-
   A table is said to third NF if It is in second NF, and all the columns in the table should depends upon primary key column only.The transitive dependency are not allowed in 3 NF. Transitive dependency means non-key attributes columns will depends upon non-key column in the table.
  In the below table student observe that the Total column
  Is not depends upon Sno column,,Total is fully depends
  Upon Math,phy,chem columns. So Total column should be
  Remove from the studend table and make a different table
  For the column Total.


Join are used to retrieve the data from two or more than two tables.
It is used to join 8 to 10 tables.

Different types of joins are—
1) Inner joins.
2) Outer join.
           *Left outer join
           *Right outer join
           *Full outer join
3) Cross join.
4) Self join.
5) Equi-join.
       *Non Equi-join.
1st Table name is Employee(eno ,ename,salary). 2nd Table   Department(dno,dname,eno)
    -  Do not apply primary key ok.

   Emp table                                                            
eno  ename  esal                                                                 
101  anil 20000
102  sunil 22000                                                          
103  ajay 21000                                                   
104  arun 25000  

     Dept table
dno   dname     eno
10   it        101
20   math      102
30   physics    103
40   chemistry  105  

1) Inner Join-
   It is used to retrieve matching records from two or more table.

 Q1) Write a query to display emp details along with dname from both
    Emp table and dept table.

select e.*,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno

select emp.eno,emp.ename,emp.esal,dept.dname from emp inner join dept on emp.eno=dept.eno
select emp.eno,emp.ename,emp.esal,dept.dname from emp inner join dept on emp.eno=dept.eno
select e.eno,e.ename,e.esal,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno
select e.eno,e.ename,e.esal,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno
select e.*,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno

select e.eno,e.ename,e.esal,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno
select e.*,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.eno=d.eno  [This is without using any join condition]

All 8 query are same but different type of writing.

Q2) Write a query to display emp details along with dname whose name
    Start with a.
 Eno    ename      esal    dname
 101    anil       20000   it
 103    ajay       21000   physics

select e.*,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where e.ename like 'a%'

Q3) Write a query to display emp details with dname who are working  in ‘it’ Department.

 Eno    ename      esal   dname
 101    anil       20000   it
select e.*,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where dname='it'
select e.*,d.dname from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where d.dname='it'

Q4) Write a query to display emp details(means-eno,ename,esal) only
    who are working  in ‘it’  Department.
 Eno    ename   esal 
 101    anil    20000

select e.* from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where d.dname='it'

Q5) Write a query to display emp details(means-eno,ename,esal) only
    who are not working  in ‘math’ Department.

eno  ename  esal                                                                  
101  anil 20000                                                        
103  ajay 21000

select e.* from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where d.dname!='math'
select e.* from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where d.dname<>'math'

select e.* from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where dname!='math'

Q6) Write a query to display emp details(means-eno,ename,esal) only
    Whose name not start with a and who is working  in ‘math’

eno  ename  esal                                                                  
101  anil 20000
102  sunil 22000  

select e.* from emp e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno where e.ename  not like  'a' and dname='math'

Now very important-1
Create two Tables like this—

create table state(sid int,sname varchar(50))
insert state values(101,'AP'),(102,'Telangana'),(103,'Tamilnadu'),(104,'Karnataka'),(105,'Maharashtra')

create table city(cid int,cname varchar(50),sid int)
insert city values(1,'Ongoli',101),(2,'Madhurai',103),(3,'Guntur',101),(4,'Hydarabad',102),(5,'Bangalore',104),(6,'Chennai',103)

select * from state
select * from city

 state table
sid    sname
101   AP
102   Telangana
103   Tamilnadu
104   Karnataka
105   Maharashtra

   city table
cid    cname      sid
1     Ongoli      101
2     Madhurai    103
3     Guntur      101
4     Hydarabad   102
5     Bangalore   104
6     Chennai     103

 some questions regarding these two tables.
1)Write a query to display state name.
2)Write a query to display state name along with city name.
3)Write a query to display city name belongs to AP.
4)Write a query to display city name belongs to Tamilnadu whose name
  Start with c.


select sname from state


AP         Ongoli
TN         Madhurai
AP         Guntur
Telangana  Hydarabad
Karnataka  Bangalore
TN         Chennai
 select s.sname,c.cname from state s inner join city c on s.sid=c.sid


sname   cname
AP      Ongoli
AP      Guntur

select s.sname,c.cname from state s inner join city c on s.sid=c.sid where sname='AP'

select s.sname,c.cname from state s inner join city c on s.sid=c.sid where s.sname='TN' and c.cname like 'c%'
select c.cname from state s inner join city c on s.sid=c.sid where s.sname='TN' and c.cname like 'c%'
or,select c.cname from city c inner join state s on s.sid=c.sid where s.sname='TN' and c.cname like 'c%'
Now very important-2

 Creating Three Tables:->

  Employee table
eno  ename  salary
101  anil    11000
102  sunil    20000
103  ajay    30000
104  arun    10000
105  johns   70000
106  james    5000

 Dept table
dno   dname
10   it
20   math
30   physics
40   chemistry

 Employeeinstrutor table
   eno    eno
   101     10
   102     20
   103     10
   104     10
   105     20
   106     10

Q1)write a query to display employee name and dept names?

select e.ename,d.dname from employee e inner join employeeinstructor i on e.eno=i.eno inner join dept d on i.dno=d.dno


eno   dname
anil   it
sunil   math
ajay   it
arun   it
johns   math
james   it

Q2)write a query to display employee names who are working in ‘it’

select e.ename from dept d inner join employeeinstructor i on i.dno=d.dno inner join employee e on e.eno=i.eno where d.dname='it'


Q3)write a query to display ename ,salary,dname?

select e.ename, e.salary,d.dname from employee e inner join employeeinstructor i on e.eno=i.eno inner join dept d on i.dno=d.dno

ename  salary   dname
anil  11000.00   it
sunil 20000.00   math
ajay  30000.00   it
arun  10000.00   it
johns  70000.00   math
james 5000.00    it

Q3)write a query to display salary and ename who are working in math department?

select e.salary ,e.ename from dept d inner join employeeinstructor i on i.dno=d.dno inner join employee e on e.eno=i.eno where d.dname='math'

Q3)write a query to display employee details whose salary >22000?

select e.* from employee e where e.salary>22000

eno   ename  salary
103  ajay   30000.00
105  johns  70000.00

Q3)write a query to display employee details along with dname whose salary >22000?

select e.*,dname  from dept d inner join employeeinstructor i on d.dno=i.dno inner join employee e on i.eno=e.eno where salary>22000

eno   ename  salary     dname
103   ajay  30000.00    it
105   johns 70000.00    math


         All clauses in SQL

1)Order by clause
2)Group by clause
3)Having clause.

  Employee table
eno   ename  salary
101   anil  11000.00
102   sunil 20000.00
103   ajay  30000.00
104   arun  10000.00
105   johns 70000.00
106   james 5000.00

1)Order by clause:   it is used to display data either in ascending order or descending orde, and it is by default in ascending order(1,2,3,4,5…..).

Q.Write a query to display employee details order by name.

select * from employee order by ename  (or eno ,or salary or any column name)

eno    ename   salary
103  ajay   30000.00
101  anil   11000.00
104  arun   10000.00
106  james  5000.00
105  johns  70000.00
102  sunil  20000.00

Q.Write a query to display employee details in ascending order by   

select * from employee order by ename desc

eno    ename   salary
102  sunil   20000.00
105  johns   70000.00
106  james   5000.00
104  arun   10000.00
101  anil   11000.00
103  ajay   30000.00
Aggregate Function :These function will process on multiple rows and return only one value.


Q.Write a query to display the total salary that was assigned to all  
  the employee?
select sum(salary) from employee

(no column name)

select sum(salary) as mytotal from employee

Note: Here mytotal is as a temporary column name is can use a temporary column name in every query below also.

Q.Write a query to display minimum salary that was assigned to all  
  the employee?

select min(salary) from employee

(no column name)

Q.Write a query to display maximum salary that was assigned to all  
  the employee?

select max(salary) from employee

(no column name)

Q.Write a query to display AVERAGE salary that was assigned to all  
  the employee?

select avg(salary) from employee

(no column name)

Note: average salary means- 11000.00
(20000.00+30000.00+10000.00+70000.00+5000.00)/6=  24333.3333

Q.Write a query to count the no.of the employees working in the company?

select count(*) from employee

(no column name)

C salary of employee.
select sum(salary) as totalsal ,max(salary) as 'MaxSal', Min(salary) as MinSal, avg(salary)  as AvgSal from employee

totalsal    MaxSal     MinSal     AvgSal
146000.00  70000.00   5000.00    24333.3333

Note: totalsal    MaxSal     MinSal     AvgSal all are temporary columns name.

2)Grouping by clause:Grouping by clause is used for group common set of
  Values that are available in single column. Group by clause will use
  In aggregate functions.And remember that we can not apply ‘where’ condition
  In group by clause.

create table emp(eno int,ename varchar(30),sal int,city varchar(50),region varchar(50),dno int,dname varchar(50),gender varchar(10))
insert emp values(102,'sunil',6000,'telangana','ameerpet',10,'It','M')
insert emp values(103,'rahul',7000,'delhi','Ashok nagar',10,'It','M')
insert emp values(104,'ajay',8000,'jamshedpur','bhalubasa',20,'HR','M')
insert emp values(105,'gopi',9000,'Ranchi','lalpur',10,'It','M')
insert emp values(106,'ramesh',10000,'dhanbad','putti',20,'HR','F')
insert emp values(107,'rama',11000,'mumbai','maharashtra',10,'It','F')
insert emp values(108,'kiran',12000,'kolkata','kestopur',10,'It','F')
insert emp values(109,'reshmi',13000,'hyderabad','sikandrabad',20,'HR','F')
insert emp values(110,'kunal',14000,'Delhi','Lakxmi Nagar',10,'It','M')

select * from emp

eno    ename      sal   city       region      dno  dname  gender
101   ujjwal      5000  Bokaro      chas        10    It    M
102   sunil       6000  telangana   ameerpet    10    It    M
103   rahul       7000  delhi Ashok nagar       10    It    M
104   ajay        8000  jamshedpur  bhalubasa   20    HR    M
105   gopi        9000  Ranchi      lalpur      10    It    M
106   ramesh      10000 dhanbad     putti       20    HR    F
107   rama        11000 mumbai      maharashtra 10    It    F
108   kiran       12000 kolkata     kestopur    10    It    F
109   reshmi      13000 hyderabad   sikandrabad 20    HR    F
110   kunal       14000 Delhi Lakxmi Nagar      10    It    M

Q.Write a query to  display total salary of male and female?.

select gender,sum(sal) as 'MyTotalSal' from emp group by gender

gender  MyTotalSal
F        46000
M        49000

Q.Write a query to  display total salary for the region

select region,sum(sal) as 'C' from emp group by region

region       MyTotalSal
ameerpet      6000
Ashok nagar   7000
bhalubasa     8000
chas          5000
kestopur      12000
Lakxmi Nagar  14000
lalpur        9000
Maharashtra  11000
putti        10000
sikandrabad  13000

Q.Write a query to  display total salary that are assign for each dept no

select dno,sum(sal) as 'MyTotalSal' from emp group by dno

dno    MyTotalSal
10      64000
20      31000

Q.Write a query to  display total salary that are assign for each dept

1)Having clause: It is used to apply where condition ,group by clause i.e-
   When you apply condition on group date ,we have to gofor having clause.
   Having clause can also apply in aggregate function.

Q.Write a query to  display total salary that are assign for each dept no whose total sal is greater than 8000.

select dname,sum(sal) as 'TotSal' from emp group by dname having sum(sal)>8000

dname  TotSal
HR    31000
It    64000

Q.Write a query to  display the no of employees working in each dept
   Whose no is greater than 1 order by dname

select dname,count(*) as 'No of emp' from emp group by dname having count(*)>
dname  no of emp
HR         3

It         7

 Store Procedure

Store procedure is a set of pre-compiled Sql statement which will get executed when we call it.It will compile once and can be executed any
No.Of times.
*It will not have return type and will not have Any return values.
*It contains DML commands.
*** Very Important(To view procedure in current database)—
Click on view->object explorer->databases icon->your database->programmability->store procedure(All stored procedure programs here).


Whenever we are passing the query to the procedure for 1st time syntax checking will be done and Best execution strategies selected(or prepared) is called (Execution Plan) to execute the query and the result of the plan will store in Execution Plan and then it will execute.
Whenever we plan to execute the procedure in 2nd time then the query will execute direct from the execution plan,it will not checking the syntax again,its means it will compile once and execute any no of times. SEE THE FIGURE…
Store procedure are of three types—
1)System store procedures
2)User define procedures
3)Temporary store procedures

1)System store procedures—
   The stored procedure that are created by Microsoft are called as
   System define stored procedure.
Ex:Click on Databases->system database->Master->programmability->
    System stored procedure.
sp_help procedure_name             (As sp_help emoployee)
sp_rename procedure_name           (As sp_rename emoployee)
sp_helpconstraint procedure_name   (As sp_helpconstraint emoployee)
sp_renamedb procedure_name         (As sp_renamedb emoployee)
sp_helptext procedure_name         (As sp_help emoployee)

Note:always system define stored procedure will start with sp_  so
We must give the proc_  for the user define stored procedure name.

3)Temporary store procedures—
  This procedure name start with # symbol ,and it will store temporary
  In memory,when Sql server is closed then the temporary stored
  procedure will be deleted\

2)User define procedures—
  The store procedure that was created depending on the usesr
  requirement is called as user defined stored procedure.

Step to work with Stored procedure:
·         Create the procedure.
·         Execute the procedure.
·         Call the procedure.

Syntax to create the procedure—

create procedure procedure_name(parameters)
 as begin
 -Sql statements-

store procedure will get executed when user call it.

Syntax to calling a stored procedure.
  Exec procedure_name values


Q1)Write a stored procedure program to add two numbers usin input
   PRINT @A+@B

//To run this-
EXEC PRC1 3,6    
Output: 9


  PRINT 'THE SUM IS=' +cast(@A+@B as char)

To execute:
EXEC PRC2 3,6                                           //Here called the procedure

Output: THE SUM IS=9

  @A INT, @B INT
   PRINT @A+@B

//To run this-
EXEC PRC1 3,6                                               // Here called the procedure


Stored procedure will have two type of parameters
1)input parameters.  (as Q1. is a input parameters)
2)output parameters.
3)optional parameters.

Q2) Create a procedure to sum of two numbers Using Output parameter.

  SET @Z=@X+@Y
To execute--



  SET @Z=@X+@Y

 EXEC PA2 10,20



Q2) Create a procedure to sum of two numbers Using Optional  
 PRINT 'THE SUM IS:'+CAST(@X+@Y AS VARCHAR(5))       // I have given a message here.                   

EXEC PADD3 100,200


To Change something in Procedure PADD3
@X INT, @Y INT=10
 PRINT @X+@Y                                

To Execute:
EXEC PRC5 100,200


Important Questions:

Q1)Create a procedure to insert the record in employee(existing table)
Q2)Create a procedure to delete the record from employee
   Table based on eno.
Q3)Create a procedure to update the record in employee table.
Q4)Create a procedure to display employee table.
Q5)Create a procedure to display employee details based on the
   employee no.
Q6)Can we call one stored procedure in another stored procedure?.(YES)
Q7)Create a procedure to display employee details along with deptno
  And deptName from employee table and dept table.
Q8)Create a procedure to display employee details for working in deptno 10 and whose name start with a.

Ans:At first, create a table name it as employee
This is your original table--
eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

1) Q1)Create a procedure to insert the record in employee(existing
      table) table.
create procedure pinsert(@eno int,@ename varchar(50),@salary int)
as begin
  insert into employee values(@eno,@ename,@salary)

To execute:
exec pinsert 107,'krishna',99000
exec pinsert 108,'radhe',33000

eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000
107   krishna    99000
108    radhe     33000

To see table:
select * from employee

Q2)Create a procedure to delete the record from employee
   Table based on eno.

create procedure pdelete(@eno int)
as begin
 delete from employee where (eno=@eno)

To execute:
exec pdelete 105            (Here, eno=105 deleted)
exec pdelete 106            (Here, eno=106 deleted)

eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

Q3)Create a procedure to update the record in employee table.

 Ans: This is our existing table
eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

Creating procedure:
create procedure pupdate(@eno int,@ename varchar(50),@salary int)
as begin
 update employee set ename=@ename,salary=@salary where eno=@eno

To execute:
exec pupdatea 105,'Ram',11000
exec pupdate11 106,'Paul',12000


eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  Ram      11000
106  Paul     12000

Q4)Create a procedure to display employee table.
 Ans: This is our existing table
eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

Now create procedure:
create procedure pdisplay
as begin
 select * from employee

To execute:
exec pdisplay

eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

Q5)Create a procedure to display employee details based on the
   employee no.
Ans: This is our existing table
eno   ename    salary
101  ujjwal    33000
102  sunil     20000
103  ajay     30000
104  arun     10000
105  johns     70000
106  james     5000

Now create procedure for this table:

create procedure PFindByeno(@eno int)
as begin
 select * from employee where eno=@eno

To execute:
exec PFindByeno 103

eno   ename    salary
103  ajay     30000

Q6)Can we call one stored procedure in another stored procedure?.(YES)
Ans: Yes,we can call one stored procedure to an another stored procedure.

Created two tables :
eno   ename  salary
101  ram    100
102  paul   150
103  rama   300

dno   dname
10   it
20   math
30   physics
40   chemistry

Now create procedure for above two tables :

create procedure pem                    (Run this first)
as begin
 select * from employee

create procedure pdep                   (After ran pem run this)
as begin
exec pem
 select * from dept

To execute:
exec pdep


eno   ename  salary
101  ram    100
102  paul   150
103  rama   300

dno   dname
10   it
20   math
30   physics
40   chemistry

Note: First write pem procedure and run this ,,and then remove the full procedure of pem and  write another procedure pdep and run pdep.
Now call(Execute) the pdep procedure it will display both table emp and dept as output. Here we execute pdep procedure and pdep call the pemp procedure.

Q7)Create a procedure to display employee details along with deptno
  And deptName from employee table and dept table.


Created two tables :
eno   ename  salary
101  ram    100
102  paul   150
103  rama   300

dno   dname      eno
10   it          101
20   math        102
30   physics     101
40   chemistry   103

Now Create procedure for above two tables:

create procedure pjoin
as begin
 select e.*,d.dname from employee e inner join dept d on e.eno=d.eno

exec pjoin
select *from employee
select *from dept

Q8)Create a procedure to display employee details for working in deptno 10 and whose name start with a.


      (Exeption Handling in Stored procedure)

Stored procedure support Exception Handling…(Function not support it)
-write the procedure
-save the procedure
-compile the procedure
-execute the query.

Two types of error in SQL—
1) Compilation error or syntax error.
2) Runtime error


begin try
declare @x int
set @x=10/0
print 'It is try Block'
end try

begin catch
 print 'It is catch block and divided by zero not possible'
end catch

Exception occurred.

Here: It will not display the Message ‘It is try Block’ because when the exception occurred in 10/0 it goes to the catch block abd print the message as user given , 'It is catch block and divided by zero not possible'


begin try
 declare @x int
 set @x=10/0
end try

begin catch
 print error_message()
end catch

Divide by zero error encountered.


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