Friday 4 June 2021

FAQ--(ASP. Net)


 ASP.Net with C#

1) Life Cycle of Asp.Net explain with example.

2) Execution Flow of Asp.Net (CLR/ GC/ Assemble/ .exe or .dll)

3) State Managements in Asp.Net(Client side/ Server side).

4) Response.Redirect and Response.Transfer in Asp.Net.

5) Web.Config Connection Strings  Settings.(Machine.config and Web.config)

6)  Authentications:(Window Authentication), (Form Authentication) and (Passport Authentication),           (None) And Authorizations Concept in Asp.Net

7) Security : Authentication And Authorization in Asp.Net.

8) To make fast Performance what should use.

9) IsPostBack Use.

10) Make a DropDownList inside a GridView.

11) Data Format to save a image in sql.

12) Cache in Asp.Net.

11) Validation in (Client side-Javascript / Server side-6 types are there).

12) Global.asax  use.

13) What are the Navigate technic in Asp.Net.


14) Can a web application RUN without a web.config file (YES)

15) How can improve the fast pages.

14) Exception handling. (code Level/ page Level/ Application Level/ Custom).


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FAQ--(3- Tier Project)

BACK 1. Presentation Layer (UI – User Interface Layer) 2. Busine...