Friday, 12 December 2014

OOPS And Modifiers in C# .Net

                                         OOPS in C#

Listed of Object oriented programming system (OOPS)

It is one of the approch that followed by the industries in 1970’s to overcome the drawback in procedural programming languages.

A language is called object oriented need to satisfied a set of principal those are—

·         Encapsulation (Ex1:A Class rapping(Covering) the data under it. Ex2: The real world example-  the car is rapped by the cover)

·         Abstraction (Ex1:Methods— This is all about hiding the data --Here we know how to call the method but we don’t know the functionality(or logic behind the method. Ex2: The car driver know that how to drive the car but driver don’t know, how is working the engine)

·         Inheritance (Ex1: Re-usability of the code. It means-The member that is defining in one class can be consume from other classes by followed parent/child relationship.)

  One type of inheritance-

    *Single inheritance.

·         Polymorphism (Ex1: It means: One name but many forms.. The polymorphism is the capability of one object can behave in multiple ways.) Ex2: Behaving in different ways depending upon input receive is called polymorphism.

Three approaches of polymorphism—

 *Method overloading

 *Method overriding

 *Hiding or Shadowing.

1) Method OverLoading :

Ans: It is an approach to defining multiple methods under a class   with the same name but different signatures(or arguments type or parameters type).


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace M_OverLoading


    class MLoad


        public void show()


            Console.WriteLine("No parameter");


        public void show(int i)


            Console.WriteLine("one parameter of integer type");


        public void show(string s)


            Console.WriteLine("one parameter with string type");


        public void show(int i,string s)


            Console.WriteLine("Two parameters with integer and string type");


        public void show(string s,int i)


            Console.WriteLine("Two parameters with string and integer type");


        static void Main(string[] args)


            MLoad ob = new MLoad();











//No parameter

//one parameter of integer type

//one parameter with string type

//Two parameters with integer and string type

//Two parameters with string and integer type


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace M_OverLoading


    class MLoad


        public void show()


            Console.WriteLine("No parameter");


        public void show(int i)


            Console.WriteLine("one parameter of integer type");


        public void show(string s)


            Console.WriteLine("one parameter with string type");


        public void show(int i,string s)


            Console.WriteLine("Two parameters with integer and string type");


        public void show(string s,int i)


            Console.WriteLine("Two parameters with string and integer type");


        static void Main(string[] args)


            MLoad ob = new MLoad();











//No parameter

//one parameter of integer type

//one parameter with string type

//Two parameters with integer and string type

//Two parameters with string and integer type


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace test2


    class MLoad2


       public int sum(int x)




        public int sum(int x,int y)




        public int sum(int x, int y, int z)





      public int sum(int x, int y, int z , int k)




      static void Main(string[] args)


            MLoad2 ob = new MLoad2();

           int s1= ob.sum(10);

           int s2= ob.sum(20,21);

           int s3= ob.sum(30,31,32);

           int s4= ob.sum(40,41,42,43);


          Console.WriteLine("Parameter 1 method Sum1={0}",s1);

          Console.WriteLine("Parameter 2 methos Sum2={0}", s2);

          Console.WriteLine("Parameter 3 method Sum3={0}", s3);

          Console.WriteLine("Parameter method 4 Sum4={0}", s4);






Parameter 1 method Sum1=10

Parameter 1 method Sum1=41

Parameter 1 method Sum1=93

Parameter 1 method Sum1=166

Constructor OverLoading :

As we can overload methods of a class, we can also overload the constructor of a class also by defining more than one constructors with the different parameters types.



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsOverLoad


    class CLoad


        int x; bool b;


        public CLoad()


                                                   // default Constructor.


        public CLoad(int x)


            this.x = x;


        public CLoad(bool b)


            this.b = b;


        public CLoad(int x, bool b)


            this.x = x; this.b = b;


        public void Display()


            Console.WriteLine("The value of x={0} and b={1}" , x,b);



        static void Main(string[] args)


            CLoad ob1 = new CLoad();

            CLoad ob2 = new CLoad(10);

            CLoad ob3 = new CLoad(true);

            CLoad ob4 = new CLoad(20,false);










//The value of x=10 and b=false

//The value of x=0 and b=false

//The value of x=0 and b=true

//The value of x=20 and b=false

1) Method OverRiding :

Ans: It is an approach to defining multiple methods under the different classes (Parent /child classes) with the same name and same signatures(signatute= arguments type or parameters type).


If a parent classes method is re-implemented under a child class exactly with the same name and same signature then we called as method overriding (This can never be perform within a class, it can perform only between parent / child classes)


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OverRideEX1


    class LoadParent


        public void show()


            Console.WriteLine("parent method called");



    class LoadChild:LoadParent


        public void show()


            Console.WriteLine("child method called");



    class main


        static void Main(string[] args)


            LoadChild ob1 = new LoadChild();







//Output--Child method called.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OverRideEX1


    class LoadParent


        public virtual void show()


            Console.WriteLine("parent method called");



    class LoadChild:LoadParent


        public void test()


            Console.WriteLine("child method called");



    class main


        static void Main(string[] args)


            LoadChild ob1 = new LoadChild();







//Output--Parent method called method called.

Ex 3:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OverRideEX1


    class LoadParent


        public virtual void show()


            Console.WriteLine("parent method called");



    class LoadChild:LoadParent


        public override void show()


            Console.WriteLine("child method called");



    class main


        static void Main(string[] args)


            LoadChild ob1 = new LoadChild();







//Output--Child method called.

Method Hiding or shadowing:

This is also re-implementing a parent class method under the child classes exectly with the same signature like overriding but different between override and hiding is—

In overriding child class re-implement, parent classes methods with the permission of parent class where as in hiding child class re-implements its parent classes method without permission of parent.

__ we can re-implement the parent classes method under child class by using two diffrents methods—

Case 1: overriding         case 2: hiding or shadowing

In the first case virtual method are parent class or re-implemented under child class by using the ‘override’ modifier and in the 2 nd case any method of the parent class can be re-implemented under child.



  Publid void display()


  public new void display()  // hiding .

è Using ‘new’ keyword while re-implementing the method is only optional to the child class , which is to inform the compiler that we are intentionally re-implementing the method.

EX-2 :

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OverRideEX1


    class LoadParent


        public void display()


            Console.WriteLine("parent method called");



    class LoadChild:LoadParent


        public new void display()


            Console.WriteLine("child method called");



    class main


        static void Main(string[] args)


            LoadChild ob1 = new LoadChild();







//Output--child method called.

EX-3 :  base keyword use

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OverRideEX1


    class LoadParent


        public void display()


            Console.WriteLine("parent method called");



    class LoadChild:LoadParent


        public void test()



            Console.WriteLine("child method called");



    class main


        static void Main(string[] args)


            LoadChild ob1 = new LoadChild();







//Output--parent method called.

//        child method called.



When one class consuming the members of another class by stablishing parent child relationship between the classes is called inheritance. This provide reusability of the code

Inheriting syntax:

[modifiers] class [child class name]:[parent class name].

Here: colon for inheriting symbol to inherit parent class.

Inheritance follows 4 rules—

Rule-1)In inheritance if parent classes constructor is accessible to the child class ,then only inheritance possible otherwise no question of inheritance.


class class1                           // parent class


     (Define sets of members)


Class class2:class1                    //child class


    (consume parent members here)



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsOverLoad


    class LoadParent


        public LoadParent()                                // Constructor


            Console.WriteLine("consttructor called");


        public void test1()


            Console.WriteLine("test1 method called");


        public void test2()


            Console.WriteLine("test2 method called");



        class LoadChild : LoadParent                              // inherit parent class by child class.


            public void test3()


                Console.WriteLine("test3 method called");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                LoadChild ob = new LoadChild();










//Constructor called

//test1 method called

//test2 method called

//test3 method called


In inheritance ,the child  classes can consume the members of parents class but a parent class will never consume the members of its child class that are purely define under the child class.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsOverLoad


    class LoadParent


        public LoadParent()                                // Constructor


            Console.WriteLine("consttructor called");


        public void test1()


            Console.WriteLine("test1 method called");


        public void test2()


            Console.WriteLine("test2 method called");



        class LoadChild : LoadParent                              // inherit parent class by child class.


            public void test3()


                Console.WriteLine("test3 method called");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                LoadParent ob = new LoadParent();

                ob.test1();   // Valid

                ob.test2();   // Valid

                ob.test3();   // Invalid







//Error Because parent class object can't call the child class members(or, methods).

Rule-3 :

Just like object of a class can be assigned to the variable of the same class to make it a reference, it can also be assigned to a variable of its parent to make it a reference and that reference will start consuming the memory of its child class object.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsOverLoad


    class LoadParent


        public LoadParent()                                // Constructor


            Console.WriteLine("consttructor called");


        public void test1()


            Console.WriteLine("test1 method called");


        public void test2()


            Console.WriteLine("test2 method called");



        class LoadChild : LoadParent                              // inherit parent class by child class.


            public void test3()


                Console.WriteLine("test3 method called");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                LoadChild ob = new LoadChild();

                LoadParent p = ob;

               //or, LoadParent p = new LoadChild();

                p.test1();     // Valid.

                p.test2();     // Valid.

                p.test3();     // Still Invalid.







//Error It can not possible to access child class member by parent. But child class object //can access both members .


Rule-4 :

class constructor goes and called its parent class constructor implicitly ok…But its implicitly calling will not possible when parent class constructor have parameterized so , to resolve the problem


Type of inheritance :

One type of inheritance in oops  that is single inheritance only.

·        Single inheritance

·        Multiple inheritance. (.Net does not support multiple inheritance , it suffer from ambiguity in class, so it uses in interface)

Single inheritance means when a class has just one class to it , we called as single inheritance.

                                                                                                          Oops End Here.



*It is a special type of method that is present under a class responsible for initializing the variable of a class . Each and every class require a constructor if we want to create a object of the class.

*The name of the constructor method is same as the name of the class and constructor can not return any value and define as public.


[modifier]  cons_name  (parameters)



using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     class mycons


         public mycons()


             Console.WriteLine("Constructor called when object is created ");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                mycons obj = new mycons();  // no need to call, just created object here.








//Constructor called when object is created


Type of constructor :

Constructor are of 2 types—

         *parameter less constructor

        *parameterized constructor.

A constructor that is define without any parameter is a parameter less constructor. And if it is define with the parameters then it is called as parameterized constructor.

Note: If a constructor is parameterized , then we need to send the values those parameters while creating object of a class.


using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     class mycons


         public mycons(int x)


             Console.WriteLine("Constructor called when object is created ");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                mycons obj = new mycons(10); // Here pass the value only not called.

                mycons obj1 = new mycons(20);







//Constructor called when object is created

//Constructor called when object is created



using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     class math


         int x, y;

         public math(int x, int y)


             this.x = x;

             this.y = y;


         public void add()               // no need to give any parameter.




         public void sum()               // no need to give any parameter.


             Console.WriteLine(x -y);


         public void mul()               // no need to give any parameter.


             Console.WriteLine(x * y);


         public void div()               // no need to give any parameter.


             Console.WriteLine(x / y);



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


                math obj = new math(20,10); // Here pass the value only, not called.

                obj.add();                  // here becz of constructor we need not put value in each arithmetic operations.















Abstract Class and Abstract Methos—

*A method without any method body is know as a abstract method , it is contain only signature of the method without any implementation.

The class where we defined the abstract methods is called as abstract class.


abstract class math                       // abstract class


  Public void abstract void add(int x, int y)  //abstract method



If a parent contains abstract method(s) then that abstract method must be implementing in the child class by using ‘override’modifier only.


An abstract class can contain both the concrete(Non-abstract) methods and abstract methods in it. And if any child class want to consume the concrete methods of its parent then first we have to implements all the abstract methods of its parent otherwise child class can not consume any concrete method of parent class.

EX-2: An Error program-

using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     public abstract class AbsParent                       // abstract class


         public abstract void add(int x, int y);       // abstract method1 .semicolon must

         public abstract void sub(int x, int y);      //  abstract method2 .semicolon must


        public void mul(int x, int y)                 // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x * y);


         public void div(int x, int y)                // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x / y);



     class AbsChild:AbsParent            // inheriting here


         public void childMethod()


             Console.WriteLine(" child method called :");



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


               AbsChild obj=new AbsChild();

               obj.add(10,20); //Implements required in child class for

               obj.sub(20,10); // all abstract methods of parent class.

               obj.mul(2, 3);             

               obj.div(15, 5);             







//Implements required in child class for all abstract methods of parent class.

EX-2  Improve Error, Now implementing the abstract methods under the child class.

using System;

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     public abstract class AbsParent                       // abstract class


         public abstract void add(int x, int y);       // abstract method1 .semicolon must

         public abstract void sub(int x, int y);     //  abstract method2 .semicolon must


        public void mul(int x, int y)                 // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x * y);


         public void div(int x, int y)                // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x / y);



     class AbsChild : AbsParent            // inheriting here


         public override void add(int x, int y)   // we must override,to implement


             Console.WriteLine(x + y);


         public override void sub(int x, int y)   // we must override. To implement


             Console.WriteLine(x - y);




        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


               AbsChild obj=new AbsChild();



               obj.mul(2, 3);              

               obj.div(15, 5);             











//Here we implemented all abstracts method of parent class by using ‘override’ modifier


No need to implements all the abstract methods if any of the child class already implemented. If first child class have not implemented the abstracts methods the the next any childs class responsible to implements the abstract classes. See below Example.

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsOverLoad



     public abstract class AbsParent                       // abstract class


         public abstract void add(int x, int y);       // abstract method1 .semicolon must

         public abstract void sub(int x, int y);      //  abstract method2 .semicolon must


        public void mul(int x, int y)                 // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x * y);


         public void div(int x, int y)                // concrete method


             Console.WriteLine(x / y);



     class AbsChild : AbsParent            // inheriting here



         public override void add(int x, int y)   // we must override, otherwise not possible to implementing the abs Methods.


             Console.WriteLine(x + y);


         public override void sub(int x, int y)   // we must override, otherwise not possible to implement


             Console.WriteLine(x - y);




     class AbsChild2 : AbsChild              // 2nd child class



        class entrypoint


            static void Main(string[] args)


               AbsChild2 obj=new AbsChild2();  //Here-we created 2nd child class object here. and consume abstract class all methos, no need to implements again.




               obj.mul(2, 3);              

               obj.div(15, 5);           













Defn: It is also a user define type like a class but can contain only abstract members on it.

* All the abstracts members that are defined under a interface must be  implemented under a child class.

* A interface does not contains any non abstract methods(members).

* The multiple inheritance through interface can possible but multiple  

  inheritance through classes is not possible.

*Syntax for interface :

[modifiers]   interface  [interface_name]


  Abstract members declare here or(abstract method declared here).


·         We can not declare variables under the interface.

·         Every abstract methods of an interface bydefault abstract so no need to use ‘abstract’ modifier on it again (explicitly).

·         By default interface is public(i.e public interface), whereas private in case of class.

·         Interface inherit multiple interface.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs




        interface A      // by Default public interface A


            // this is abstract method but no need to write- abstract void add(); its by default abstract

            void add(int x, int y);   

            void sub(int x, int y);


        interface B


            void mul(int x, int y);

            void div(int x, int y);


        class Test : A, B     // This class show multiple inheritance.


            public void add(int x, int y)




            public void sub(int x, int y)




            public void mul(int x, int y)




            public void div(int x, int y)





        class Entry


            static void Main(string[] args)


               Test obj = new Test();


               obj.sub(20, 10);

               obj.mul(20, 10);

               obj.div(20, 10);


               //Test obj = new Test();

               //A i1 = obj;

               //B i2 = obj;

               //create a reference of interfaces with the help of child class object.

               //i1.add(20, 10);

               //i1.sub(20, 10);

               //i2.mul(20, 10);

               //i2.div(20, 10);











using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs




        interface inter1


            void Hello();


        interface inter2


            void Hello();


        class Test : inter1, inter2


            void inter1.Hello()                // possible


                Console.WriteLine("Hello called for interface1");


            void inter2.Hello()


                Console.WriteLine("Hello called for interface2 ");



        class intry


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Test obj = new Test();

                inter1 i1 = obj;         // child object reference must.

                inter2 i2 = obj;








//Hello claaed for interface1

//Hello claaed for interface2


Q) What is the differences between Abstract class and interface ?


           Delegate in C# 

Def:Delegate is a type which holds the method(s) reference in an object.

Effective use of delegate to improve the performance of applications. The method can call in 2 different ways in c#

  1)Using object of a class if it is not static and

  2)Name of the class if it is static. 

 Using Delegate both 1 and 2 we can call the methods



*Delegate can be define under a namespace or under a class also

Demo1: For class

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs


      class c1


        public static void m1()


             Console.WriteLine("Method-1 for class1");



        class Entry


            static void Main(string[] args)








//Method-1 for class1

EX-1 single cast delegate example:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs



     public delegate void del1(int x, int y, int z);  // it is not defined under a class.

     public delegate string dell2(string s);

    class Test


        //here we have implemented the delegate. so no. of parameters in delegate must same no. of parameters in implemented method [myadd].

        //delegate variables name may differ as myadd(int a, int b, int c) we have taken here.

        public void myadd(int a, int b, int c)      // non-static method.




        public static string myname(string s)      // static method.


            return "Hello" + s;




        class Entry


            static void Main(string[] args)


                // To call dell1, need to create object becz it is non static method

                Test ob = new Test();

                del1 d1 = ob.myadd;

                d1(2, 3, 4);

                //To call dell2 no need to create object becz it is static method so

                // through class name we can call.

                dell2 d2 = Test.myname;         // very very important.

                Console.WriteLine(d2("UJJWAL PAUL"));








EX-2 MultiCast Delegate example:

When delegate hold and invokes more than one methods is called multicast delegate and such delegate-

               *Return type must be void defined

               *No. of parameters in delegate should be same the no. of methods.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs



     public delegate void dell(int x, int y);

    class Test


        public void add(int a, int b)    // must void in case of multicast delegate.




        public void sub(int a, int b)


            Console.WriteLine(a - b);


        public void mul(int a, int b)


            Console.WriteLine(a * b);


        public void div(int a, int b)


            Console.WriteLine(a / b);




        class Entry


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Test ob = new Test();

                dell d1 = ob.add;

                dell d2 = ob.sub;

                dell d3 = ob.mul;

                dell d4 = ob.div;

                d1(20, 10);

                d2(20, 10);

                d3(20, 10);

                d4(20, 10);












Ex-3 multicast delegate: (play with static method). No required Class object to call method.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace testprogs



     public delegate void multidell();

     class Test


         public static void display1()  // static method




         public static void dispaly2()    // static method





        class Entry


            static void Main(string[] args)


            multidell m1 = new multidell(Test.display1);  // directly call by class name.

            multidell m2 = new multidell(Test.dispaly2);  // directly call by class name.

                multidell m3 = m1 + m2;             // Delhi  Mumbai

                multidell m4 = m2 + m1;            // Mumbai Delhi

                multidell m5 = m3 + m1;            //Delhi Mumbai Delhi

                multidell m6 = m3 - m1;            //m2 becz m3=m1+m2 so Mumbai






















           (ACCESS MODIFIERS in C#)

      Or,(Access specifiers)

1)public : (ALL can access)

   - AnyWhere can accessible within the same class , another classes ,

    By same assembly and Another assembly also. No restrict.

2)private : (Only within the same class can access)

    -This is accessible within the same class only outside the class

     Not possible to access.

3)protected :(within the same class and any drive(or child) class can    



4)internal :  (same assembly only can access)

   -This is accessible within the same assembly. it will not   

   accessible the any other assembly

5) Protected internal :  (same assembly and another assembly by

    Inheriting the base class whose member is protected internal can


  - This is accessible Anywhere within the same  assemly.And also

   accessible from within a derived(or child) class of another

   assemble.(Note:Here we need to inherit the class of 1 st assemblt

   by the another assembly. See pragim videos for c#).

Important Notes :

·         5-modifier:

Public,private,protected,internal,protected internal.

·         Return Type: (2-types)

-return value(define int string,char, bool.-All DataTypes)

-Non-return value(define as void)

*About class:  (Default modifier is internal)

(modifier)  class  (class_Name)

Case1: class customer (Here Bydefault class modifier is private)-Valid

Case2: public class customer (Here public class)     // valid

Case3: protected class customer  (Here not possible) //invalid

Case4: internal class customer (Here internal class)//Valid

Case5: internal class customer (Here protected internal class)-invalid

*About method: (default Modifier is private)

  (modifier) (return type) (method_Name)(Parameters)

Below All are valid-

Case1:public    void add(int x,int y)//public modifier.

Case2:void add(int x,int y)// default private modifier.

Case3:protected void add(int x,int y)//protected modifier.

Case4:internal  void add(int x,int y)//internal modifier.

Case5:protected internal void add(int x,int y)//protected internal

                                                   //  modifier.     

*About variable:  (default modifier)

All modifiers allowed as

public int x=10;

private  int x=10;

protected int x=10;

internal int x=10;

protected internal int x=10;



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Csharp_Test

{                                                                          //***

    public class ReadOnlyTest


        class SampleClass


            public int x;

            // Initialize a readonly field

            public readonly int y = 25;

            public readonly int z;

            public SampleClass()


                // Initialize a readonly instance field

                z = 24;


            public SampleClass(int p1, int p2, int p3)


                x = p1;

                y = p2;

                z = p3;



        static void Main()


            SampleClass p1 = new SampleClass(11, 21, 32);   // OK

            Console.WriteLine("p1: x={0}, y={1}, z={2}", p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);

            SampleClass p2 = new SampleClass();

            p2.x = 55;   // OK

            Console.WriteLine("p2: x={0}, y={1}, z={2}", p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);






        p1: x=11, y=21, z=32

        p2: x=55, y=25, z=24



Use the access modifiers, publicprotectedinternal, or private, to specify one of the following declared accessibility levels for members.

Declared accessibility
Access is not restricted.
Access is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class.
Access is limited to the current assembly.
protected  internal
Access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class.
Access is limited to the containing type.

Only one access modifier is allowed for a member or type, except when you use the protected internal combination.

Access modifiers are not allowed on namespaces. Namespaces have no access restrictions.

Depending on the context in which a member declaration occurs, only certain declared accessibilities are permitted. If no access modifier is specified in a member declaration, a default accessibility is used.

Top-level types, which are not nested in other types, can only have internal or public accessibility. The default accessibility for these types is internal.

Nested types, which are members of other types, can have declared accessibilities as indicated in the following table.

Members of
Default member accessibility
Allowed declared accessibility of the member
protected  internal

                            All C# KeyWords

C# Keywords

Visual Studio 2013

57 out of 70 rated this helpful - Rate this topic

Keywords are predefined, reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler. They cannot be used as identifiers in your program unless they include @ as a prefix. For example, @if is a valid identifier but if is not because if is a keyword.

The first table in this topic lists keywords that are reserved identifiers in any part of a C# program. The second table in this topic lists the contextual keywords in C#. Contextual keywords have special meaning only in a limited program context and can be used as identifiers outside that context. Generally, as new keywords are added to the C# language, they are added as contextual keywords in order to avoid breaking programs written in earlier versions.

A contextual keyword is used to provide a specific meaning in the code, but it is not a reserved word in C#. Some contextual keywords, such as partial and where, have special meanings in two or more contexts.

Non-nested types, enumeration and delegate accessibilities (may only have internal or public accessibility)

                     | Default   | Permitted declared accessibilities


namespace            | public    | none (always implicitly public)

enum                 | public    | none (always implicitly public)

interface            | internal  | public, internal

class                | internal  | public, internal

struct               | internal  | public, internal

delegate             | internal  | public, internal

Nested type and member accessiblities

                     | Default   | Permitted declared accessibilities


namespace            | public    | none (always implicitly public)

enum                 | public    | none (always implicitly public)

interface            | public    | none

class                | private   | All¹

struct               | private   | public, internal, private²

delegate             | private   | All¹

constructor          | private   | All¹

interface member     | public    | none (always implicitly public)

method               | private   | All¹

field                | private   | All¹

user-defined operator| none      | public (must be declared public)

¹ All === public, protected, internal, private, protected internal

² structs cannot inherit from structs or classes (although they can, interfaces), hence protected is not a valid modifier

The accessibility of a nested type depends on its accessibility domain, which is determined by both the declared accessibility of the member and the accessibility domain of the immediately containing type. However, the accessibility domain of a nested type cannot exceed that of the containing type.

Note: CIL also has the provision for protected and internal (as opposed to the existing protected "or" internal), but to my knowledge this is not currently available for use in C#.

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